The colossal and enormous growth of social media has made it a worthy marketing sword for businesses, of its all kinds. This is the sign of expanding vision of market strategies and demands that it has reaffirmed online advertising policy. The explosive venture of social media over the years has encouraged many job portals, including best experts who can visualize as well as predict its future. This content provides an overview of several social media trends that inevitably dominates the near time.
- Social Media will not be leisure; it will be an inevitable investment: The obligation to incorporate social media efforts in every type of businesses comprehends the urgency towards it. The impact of social media is measurable as it proffers copious benefits to the users; with the help of content strategy and specifications this platform is rising and dominating new tactics.
Indeed, in the near future this work profile will be leading into an expert section. Businesses will hire expert social media managing heads, who will eventually foster in generating a poignant platform.
Various credentials availed through this juncture are:- Business branding
- Enhanced social signals
- Upgraded brand awareness
- Plethora advertising
- Expanded customer reliability
- Audience-oriented work
- The time to come for ever domineering Google+: G+ is boosting its share on the social media platform by gaining second highest monthly users that is, 343 million approx after Facebook. The essentials of Google+ are holding a versatile strategy of being an integral part of Google’s plan of action and trends. In addition, this medium is also encouraging with social signals and with individualized search experiences.
According to a daily research, it has been predicted that significance of Google Authorship will lead 2014, as it comprises rich algorithms. Businesses that are running their online advertisements will lately avail G+ service for better social networks. - Info-graphics is the Word: Well, people are more prone to glue themselves in visualizing; imperatively they read less and connect more to graphics. The point is, picture centric content will be going higher than content based platforms. Visual content will become an expert feature or strategy of any social networking websites, like of Pinterest. Many other image centric websites, such as Slideshare, Mobli, Tumblr, etc. will continue to foster. Additionally businesses need to focus more on the term of sharability by connecting users with videos, pictures, graphs, and so on. All this will unavoidably add on to the benefit of leading market competition.
- The Globe is going “Lets Tweet Tweet”: 140 characters seems to make more impact worthy than 140 words. The micro blogging networking site is immensely increasing connectivity within people. Be it celebrities, layman, or anyone; to add on, street food vendors also tweet their next destination! 2014 will see numerous changes on Tweeter, which will eventually gather fame as well boom. Additionally, this medium can be covetously utilized for business marketing strategies.
- The Rail of Videos: Micro video is also an upcoming term this year, which regards sharing, expressing with a minimum of 6 second video or with 3 to 15 second video. The fueling platform is Tweeter’s Vine and Instagram’s video sharing formula that is rendering larger source, through which organizations can promote their belongings unconditionally. Imperatively, one can observe that picture posts on Instagram are less than 15 seconds videos posts (Videos are double the time getting advantage). Moreover, YouTube is leading the race and apparently winning the dominating scenario in 2014.
- The World promises to go MOBILE!!: The generation is set to be a gadget-pro area, because the usage of Smartphones are increasing everyday and so the applications. There are several mobile apps that encourages social media thoroughly, like 24*7*365 days. It is predicted from numerous research that the usage of mobile phones with smart apps will grow more and add on into the dominating tactic/trend online SMO baggage.
- It is time so “My Space”: A thorough re-branding is done to this social media site. It is one of the surprising trend setter of 2014, which gets another lease on our daily media centric life. Fostered by iPhone app that renders it users to network or have private communications, and even hear their personalized radio station.
- B2B Business and LinkedIn: A LinkedIn profile supports in comfortable dealing with other entrepreneurs by gluing their profiles. There are 238 million consumers who are using this eminent stage. It is the platform for professionals who kindle job portals and ensure better connectivity. 2014 marks an omnipotent rise of this website as it is positioning itself for largest content creation.
- The marathon of pinning “Pinterest”: Pinterest is a bit new venture of social media, in comparison to Facebook or Twitter. Collecting and sharing varied things is all about this platform. Pinning or re-pinning is the only trend followed; for few it may be a virtual scrapbook but for the users it is inevitably more than that!! Businesses can pin their products on this website and share it with the entire world. Lately, it has also been predicted that this genre of Social Media will likely increase and initiate a great for the marketers.
- Usage of Foursquare will invariably drop: 2014 will see a decline usage of Foursqaure, which will proffer more usage of stumbleUpon, Tumblr, etc. The dominating factor is blogging and traffic. Businesses and market enterprises can reach out by jotting informative contents.
Henceforth, the complete overview of various trends conclude that now social media has turned into a necessity objective for an online marketing forum. Thereon, usage of this platform must be done coherently, followed by strategical attempts and with absolute ideas. A marathon among all these media sites is going on; therefore it is the best time to encapsulate these services and percolate success over them.